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Holocaust Memorial Wall

An evolving permanent exhibit of local residents that have family ties to the Holocaust.

A Tribute To Local Holocaust Families

The Holocaust Memorial Wall honors 10 families with a connection to Lancaster County who have ties to the Holocaust. Each featured family has a panel showing pictures of relatives and their stories. We created this memorial to remember the roots, the legacy of the Emerald Foundation Community Campus and its connection to the Jewish community in Lancaster. In addition, a special panel denotes the history of the building and a tree of life to honor all of those who survived and perished in the Holocaust. The wall includes stories of hardship and deprivation, slave labor, murder, and most importantly survival. Judaic artifacts are displayed throughout the building.

Holocaust Memorial Day

Visit the Holocaust Memorial Wall on January 27, 2020 to honor those who have ties to the Holocaust.

Community Voices

“We are honored to be part of the recognition of the historical importance 'Remembering the Roots' of the Emerald Foundation Community Campus building, its connection to the Jewish community in Lancaster and the programs that serve the community."

Ori and Divina Elan

Benefactor, Holocaust Memorial Wall

Visit the Memorial

The exhibit is open from 9 am - 5 pm every weekday for the public to view. Visit us today to help encourage perseverance through any struggles and remembrance for those past.

Support our Rich Past

Through your support of the Holocaust Memorial Wall our community’s rich history lives on for future generations. Please call us if you know a family in the local community that should be recognized.